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they deserve an award!!

Seriously…. we had to reschedule this session 3 times… yes, 3 times!  We thought we had dodged the storm, but about 7-8 minutes into the session it started pouring rain!  POURING!  I have done some photographs in a mist, a sprinkle, but this was a full on downpour.  The entire family trooped around N. Campus in the rain!!  I was so amazed!  They were so wonderful!  I was slightly frightened to go home and download these pictures, scared that I would have nothing to work with… but I think we got a few good shots!!  Seriously though, this family deserves an award!  I hope you guys will call again sometime in the spring and we can get some shots in the sunshine!!


This guy DID NOT WANT TO SMILE!!!  didn’t want to….. but when he did.. wow!!  His smile is awesome!!  This session made me realize I was pretty cool with 2-6 year old boys… I mean I know every Thomas Train engine, star wars, all nick shows, etc…. but after age 6 that is so not cool!


I LOVED his younger sisters spunk!  She did not even flinch when it started pouring rain and was so charming the entire session!  I want to hire her to be my assistant… more to come on that…..





Here is my assistant at work… helping me to get subjects to smile, goofing off in the background during single shots, and picked some fabulous locations for me!  🙂
